Brilliance Blog

Brilliance Blog | By Sharon Panchal

10 June 2023

"In the waiting"

I find myself feeling compelled to share some refreshing perspectives to contemplate as you progress through your Transformational Journey with WCA

We all experience seasons of waiting and anticipation of specific outcomes throughout our journey in life. We find ourselves in need of a breakthrough, a revelation, or a rescue when something in our lives is missing, broken, or changed.

The path to patience is often paved right over the road of your unanswered prayers. It is often hard to see that the middle of the road is full of many meaningful miraculous moments. While you are working and waiting no time is wasted. In fact, this is the time when seeds are planted that are preparing to grow and create watermark moments.

Do not be restless for the harvest in the seasons of waiting. Stay the course because the waiting does not have to be wary. Time is never withered because waiting and hope to strengthen your heart. What is important is how you handle these seasons. Pay attention to the pieces of the puzzle because the story never ends. When life retraces it is preparing you for the next expansion to greatness. Allow hope to stir up the gifts within yourself to experience the next level of abundance.

Allow gratitude and joy to become the gateway in ushering you towards your next season. To experience gratitude, you need to express gratitude in the waiting. To experience joy, you must bring joy to the moments in the waiting. Connect with others in sharpening your skills so you become the branch for someone else to cling to.

Allow your words and actions to become powerful filling others with hope in the waiting. Speak up with authenticity that is real and raw centred from your heart. Your story becomes someone else’s survival guide, so how will you choose to spend your time “In The Waiting”?

This I know for sure:

The work in the waiting is priceless, and the worth is never far away.

Look within yourself, engage with others, and renew your strength centered from your heart so you may empower someone else waiting to achieve the harvest at their next level of abundance!

You are in the right place at the right time!

What Are You Waiting For?

Sharon Panchal Market Synergy 360

Your Beacon To Business Brilliance

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